This song aims to capture the harmonious and easygoing qualities of Type Nine with just a hint of sloth and a dash of self-forgetting on the side. It expresses the difficulty experienced when we believe we need to blend in order to belong. This song highlights the defence mechanism of ‘narcotisation’ – numbing out to anything that may cause disturbance or discomfort attempting to avoid conflict. The chorus takes us to the relief experienced when we realise love is here and now for all to participate in equally and that we all belong. It points to unconditional love and ultimately, right action, as gateways to presence. More about Type Nine…
Peace at any price, I say
Let’s not fight, I just want to stay
You can choose, I don't really mind
But somehow I feel I've gone too far this time
This doesn't feel calm, let's all take a breath
And I might just go where it’s peaceful and rest
It's there I find I can't be put out
I'll numb out here, and comfort won’t be in doubt
I’ll blend in and not rock the boat
Don’t want to decide don’t ask me to say no
I’ll hold back my anger maintain our peace
If I avoid, I hope this problem will cease
I’d rather belong than say what I think
If we have a conflict my poor heart will sink
I’ll think later what I want to say
Let’s put this off ‘til another day
Now I begin to pick up the pace
Sense my own power and know my own tastes
Take ownership of my path on this earth
Boundaries I keep, what I want comes first
So help me to grow and help me to say ‘no’
Then my own mind I can fully know
Watch my emergence with wonder and awe
I can make a difference, I’ll show up at my own door
When I am willing to face
That love is here in this time and place
Separation I no longer fear
We all belong
I remember myself
I am here
When I am willing to face
That love is here in this time and place
Separation I no longer fear
I know we all belong
I remember myself
I am Here