Out Now!
For Me, a song about the power of forgiveness to bring peace, is now available for purchasing and download via all major digital music distributors.
'For Me' is a song about forgiveness. We have all had the experience of being injured by someone we simply cannot stop loving and it can be one of the most excruciating ordeals we will ever know. Sometimes the pain runs so deep we can barely function anymore. What often arises out of an experience like this is an anger so profound that it shocks us.
When someone who we love deeply hurts us, we seem to be placed in an impossible position. We can’t stop loving and yet we can’t help but feel the pain of the resentment either. The two polar opposite states of ‘expanded love’ and ‘contraction’ (due to resentment) cannot actually be experienced concurrently so it’s like being in a torture chamber with our limbs pulled in two opposite directions. When we’re injured by someone we love, we are forced to make a choice - to stay in agony OR to raise the level of our consciousness. That is, we are forced to choose between suffering or to move beyond concepts of ‘right & wrong’ and instead choose peace for our own sake. We may choose to stay in relationship with this person or not but regardless of this, the choice of what to do with our mind and our energetic system is a different element altogether.
Forgiveness is an energetic shift that we allow to happen. It's not a righteous thing you do if you’re a ‘good’ person. Our system seems to want it even though our mind resists it. It’s as if forgiveness is actually our natural state because deep down we know that everything can be understood if we completely take another’s perspective (and I mean completely). Our mind resists forgiveness in order to protect us from re-injury and to preserve a sense of a separate self who would ‘never do such a thing’ (and understandably so) but unfortunately, refusing to surrender into the energy of forgiveness just keeps us locked in an endless loop of suffering.
Injuries caused by others, especially emotional ones, are almost always created from limited consciousness. When we realise someone was behaving from within their own limitations, often acting out of fear, then we can allow forgiveness to heal our brokenness. It doesn’t make the behaviour ‘right’ and it certainly doesn’t mean there was no pain, it just means that when we are ready we can stop rehashing the story and the idea that it could’ve and should’ve been done differently over and over in our minds. We can stop re-experiencing the injury and it’s associated emotions. To stay stuck in resentment is to have a foot in two realities; the one where things went the way they ‘should’ have and the reality of HERE and NOW with things as they are. We live mentally split; fragmented.
To find a state of wholeness and peace we need to make one choice (but only when we are truly ready and not a moment before)…to put down the score board, letting go of the timeline of what we believe ‘should’ve’ happened and to allow forgiveness to wash over us. This is not an act of righteousness as it has often been deemed, it’s an act of sane surrender and love of self. It’s about unburdening yourself of the heaviness of judgement so you can live fully present in this moment. It’s actually for YOU.
And because at the deepest level we are all ultimately ONE being, forgiving ‘another’ in the end sets everyone free.
Official Video
For Me (by Bernadette Galea © 2021)
I’ve tried not to love you
Was like trying to hold my breath
Pretending it isn’t real feels like death
So there’s no choice if I want to live
All I can do is forgive
My heart is sore (it’s been too long)
Hurts too much to keep a score (don’t wanna keep score)
I need some peace (deep in my soul)
So I’m forgiving you for me
For me
We all know that real love is forever
So there was never anything that we could sever, no
No matter where you are
You will always be here in my heart
And my heart is sore (it’s been too long)
Hurts too much to keep a score (don’t wanna keep score)
I need some peace (deep in my soul)
So I’m forgiving you for me
I’ll turn this pain into loving rain
And water my own broken heart
You take your shame and do the same
We were just playing our part
And my heart is sore (it’s been too long)
Hurts too much to keep a score (don’t wanna keep score)
All I know is I need peace (deep in my soul)
So I’m forgiving you for me
For me
I am you and you are me
So, forgiving you will set us free