This song aims to capture the deep and expressive qualities of Type Four with just a hint of longing and a dash of melancholy on the side. It expresses the difficulty experienced when we see our identity as being defined by our emotions, experiences and individuality. This song touches on the defence mechanism of ‘introjection’ – attempting to create an identity out of the uniqueness of our ever-changing experience while avoiding being ordinary. The chorus takes us to the relief experienced when we realise that everything we need is actually here and now in whatever is occurring (extraordinary or simply ordinary) and that we are whole no matter what. It points to emotional balance and ultimately, equanimity, as gateways to presence. More about Type Four…
Something’s missing, I long to find the way
I’m not like you
Long to be enough to face this day
Wish you would love me too
Need to come up for air…
Then, I’ll see I have all I need
Feel I’m beautiful
My heart transforms all I see
And renews my soul
I am whole
I am whole
Avoiding real life I live in fantasies
But those are shifting sands
I’d rather express myself
But no one understands
Need to come up for air…
My life is here, my life is now.
The ebb and flow,
I allow.
As I come up for air…
I see I have all I need
Feel I’m beautiful, beautiful
My heart transforms all I see
And renews my soul….
I see I have all I need
Feel I’m beautiful
My heart transforms all I see
And renews my soul
I am whole
I am whole.